I am getting a weird error while passing class and date to an ActiveJob with the Sidekiq adapter.
1] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later(Stripe::SyncCharges, nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Class
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8@immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
[2] pry(main)> StripeTransactionsSyncJob.perform_later('Stripe::SyncCharges', nil, 3.days.ago.to_date)
ActiveJob::SerializationError: Unsupported argument type: Date
from /home/amit/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.8@immosite/gems/activejob- `serialize_argument'
As per the doc, ActiveJob should support both types of arguments out of the box. What is wrong here?
The guide you have referenced in your post refers to the v6.1.4
of Rails. See the version info on top-right corner on that page.
The guide for v5.0 doesn't explicitly specify about the arguments types supported. And looking at the source code (see below) for the version of Rails you are using i.e
def serialize_argument(argument)
case argument
when GlobalID::Identification
when Array
argument.map { |arg| serialize_argument(arg) }
when ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[WITH_INDIFFERENT_ACCESS_KEY] = serialize_argument(true)
when Hash
symbol_keys = argument.each_key.grep(Symbol).map(&:to_s)
result = serialize_hash(argument)
result[SYMBOL_KEYS_KEY] = symbol_keys
raise SerializationError.new("Unsupported argument type: #{argument.class.name}")
your passed argument types Class
and Date
are not supported and hence you are getting SerializationError
Note: Whenever referring to the API-docs or Guide I would recommend to view them for the specific version of Rails you are using.