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Substrate node-template private network WITHOUT using default keys

I'm trying to build a 5 node network (all validators and members of Aura & GRANPA) and my goal is to use custom keys, not the predefined Alice, etc. Thus added the SR and ED authority keys in the custom spec JSON file. The node-template version is an unchanged V3 from Github.

I followed the tutorial ( but this error shows up:

2021-07-26 09:17:35 Substrate Node
2021-07-26 09:17:35 ✌️ version 3.0.0-unknown-x86_64-linux-gnu
2021-07-26 09:17:35 ❤️ by Substrate DevHub <>, 2017-2021
2021-07-26 09:17:35 📋 Chain specification: The Batman Chain
2021-07-26 09:17:35 🏷 Node name: Node1
2021-07-26 09:17:35 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2021-07-26 09:17:35 💾 Database: RocksDb at /peer-data-1/chains/TBC_testnet/db
2021-07-26 09:17:35 ⛓ Native runtime: node-template-100 (node-template-1.tx1.au1)
2021-07-26 09:17:36 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x531c…653b, header-hash: 0x4c1f…570d)
2021-07-26 09:17:36 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
2021-07-26 09:17:36 ⏱ Loaded block-time = 6000 milliseconds from genesis on first-launch
2021-07-26 09:17:36 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
2021-07-26 09:17:36 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWRzP2WuCbHENdXkf5ZvBStmgYn2N8mkwPofQparf58tkF
2021-07-26 09:17:36 📦 Highest known block at #0
2021-07-26 09:17:36 〽️ Prometheus server started at
2021-07-26 09:17:36 Listening for new connections on
2021-07-26 09:17:37 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/
2021-07-26 09:17:37 GRANDPA voter error: Signing("Failed to sign GRANDPA vote for round 1 targetting 0x4c1f6404ff3236cbd58fa62dffe9b8e2b2ac670f06516541a641158c0a0a570d")
2021-07-26 09:17:37 Essential task `grandpa-voter` failed. Shutting down service.
Error: Service(Other("Essential task failed."))

To start the node I use this command:

node-template key insert \
    --base-path /peer-data-1 \
    --chain local \
    --key-type aura \
    --suri "0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37";

node-template key insert \
    --base-path /peer-data-1 \
    --chain local \
    --key-type gran \
    --suri "0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37";
ls -l /peer-data-1/chains/local_testnet/keystore;

node-template \
    --base-path /peer-data-1 \
    --name Node1 \
    --node-key 0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37 \
    --chain /genesis/customSpecRaw.json \
    --keystore-path /peer-data-1/chains/local_testnet/keystore/ \
    --port 30333 \
    --ws-port 9944 \
    --rpc-port 9933 \
    --unsafe-ws-external \
    --unsafe-rpc-external \
    --rpc-cors=all \
    --prometheus-external \
    --log info \
    --wasm-execution Compiled \
    --ws-max-connections 1000 \
    --pool-limit 10000 \
    --pool-kbytes 20480 \
    --max-runtime-instances 100 \
    --validator \
    --bootnodes /ip4/$SUBSTRATE_0_SERVICE_HOST/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp

Custom spec JSON file is:

 "...": "...",
 "palletAura": {
        "authorities": [
      "palletGrandpa": {
        "authorities": [
   "...": "...",


  • Found the answer myself.

    • I reversed the aura and grandpa authorities IDs. Make sure AURA uses Sr25519 ss58 Addresses and grandpa uses Ed25519 ss58 Addresses.
    • The code to start the node was wrong, I added --scheme Ed25519/Sr25519 to make sure key added in keystore is OK.
    node-template key insert \
        --base-path /peer-data-1 \
        --chain local \
        --key-type aura \
        --scheme Sr25519 \
        --suri "0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37";
    node-template key insert \
        --base-path /peer-data-1 \
        --chain local \
        --key-type gran \
        --scheme Ed25519 \
        --suri "0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37";
    ls -l /peer-data-1/chains/local_testnet/keystore;
    node-template \
        --base-path /peer-data-1 \
        --name Node1 \
        --chain /genesis/customSpecRaw.json \
        --keystore-path /peer-data-1/chains/local_testnet/keystore/ \
        --node-key 0x0e32f2687f1234deb25e20a50c39db5cdf0a2f2ccb84995189522fc9f20beb37 \
        --port 30333 \
        --ws-port 9944 \
        --rpc-port 9933 \
        --unsafe-ws-external \
        --unsafe-rpc-external \
        --rpc-cors=all \
        --prometheus-external \
        --log info \
        --wasm-execution Compiled \
        --ws-max-connections 1000 \
        --pool-limit 10000 \
        --pool-kbytes 20480 \
        --max-runtime-instances 100 \
        --validator \
        --bootnodes /ip4/$SUBSTRATE_0_SERVICE_HOST/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp