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How to use the PNG sequence in a single file in HTML / Javascript?

I remarked the PNG sequence files are either multiple files or a single file which contains all sequences. I can't figure it out if the two types of sequences have different names (and if yes what are these names). Further I try to find out how to use the image sequence j a SINGLE FILE like this one hereenter image description here

for HTML / javascript animations. I think I need a div which moves over the png file (clip path), but I can't find any example. Maybe you know some? Thank you!


  • Sorry, but I can animate horizontally (or vertically) only. If you stack your images side to side horizontally, it will be perfect.

    .animatedImage {
      background-image: url(;
      height: 300px;
      width: 500px;
      animation: png-animation 1s steps(3) forwards; /* To change speed of animation, change firs number; To include more images, change number in steps() */
      animation-iteration-count:infinite; /* Make animation never ends */
    @keyframes png-animation {
      to {
        background-position: -1500px 0px;
    <div class="animatedImage"></div>