I am looking at this Stack Overflow question
I am working on a project using Meteor. It also uses the Canvas2ImagePlugin which is a Cordova plugin.
I have successfully added it to the project using meteor add cordova:https://github.com/devgeeks/Canvas2ImagePlugin.git@0.6.0
However, the code snippet
fails in Meteor since Cordova doesn't exist.
How to make this call in a Meteor way or otherwise expose Cordova to Meteor project?
Within Meteor you'll need to use cordova from the global object since Meteor will inject the cordova object.
// First lets check that we are running withing Cordova
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
// define your success and fail functions here
function success() {
// Do something
function fail() {
// Do something
// Execute the cordova plugin method
cordova.exec(success, fail, 'PluginName', 'pluginMethod', pluginMethodArguments)