I am trying to create Active directory Users with my Program. All active directory related parts are working. What proves an Issue for me is the impersonation to create a folder on our file server and set the apropriate permissions. The issue with the impersonation is that multiple administrative accounts need to be used by the software. Hence it is not a solution to shift + rightclick -> run as different user
So how I would handle it normally would include the following steps:
Programmatically I would do something in the lines of (pseudocode):
string path = "\\FileServer\Data\Home\exampleuser1"
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
AddDirectorySecurity(path, @"MYDOMAIN\exampleuser1", FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership, AccessControlType.Allow);
however, this code would have to be executed with another user account "domain\admin_julian"
answer has been found here: How to provide user name and password when connecting to a network share (answer from Luke Quinane)
implement his class and then use it like:
using (new NetworkConnection(@"\\server\Data\Home", cred))
string path = $@"\\server\Data\Home\testuserfolder";
string domainName = "domain.com";
string userNameToCreate = "testuser";
SetFullPermission(path, userNameToCreate);