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How to get address of each individual cells of selected range in excel

I am working with excel office add-in in JavaScript. In this add-in I need to get individual address of each cell of selected range in an array. for example if user selects range of M1 to T31, I need to have array = ["M1", "N1", "O1" … to … "P31", "Q31", "R31", "S31", "T31”]. My program code is working and as follow. You can see that await context.sync() will be executed many times, which makes execution of this code very slower. Can I improve this code?

async function selectDataRange() {

  await (context) => {
    // Get selected range
    var range = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
    range.load(['rowCount', 'columnCount', 'cellCount']);
    await context.sync();
    // Get address of each cell
    var arrAddress = [];
    for (let iRow = 0; iRow < range.rowCount; iRow++) {
      for (let iCol = 0; iCol < range.columnCount; iCol++) {
        const addOfCell = range.getCell(iRow, iCol)
        await context.sync();
        arrAddress.push(addOfCell.address.slice(addOfCell.address.lastIndexOf('!') + 1));


  • You could use Range.getCellProperties API. Please try the following snippet code:

    async function run() {
      await (context) => {
        // Get selected range
        var range = context.workbook.getSelectedRange();
        range.load(["rowCount", "columnCount", "cellCount"]);
        const propertiesToGet = range.getCellProperties({
          address: true
        await context.sync(); 
        var arrAddress = [];
        for (let iRow = 0; iRow < range.rowCount; iRow++) {
          for (let iCol = 0; iCol < range.columnCount; iCol++) {
            const cellAddress = propertiesToGet.value[iRow][iCol];
            arrAddress.push(cellAddress.address.slice(cellAddress.address.lastIndexOf("!") + 1));