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when I post file data, it contains null value

def image_saving_product(instance, filename):
    return '/'.join( ['product', str(, filename] )

class Image(models.Model):
   image_file = models.ImageField(blank=True,upload_to=image_saving_product,null=False)
   product = models.ForeignKey(ProductInfo,on_delete=models.PROTECT,default=None, blank=False)
   def __str__(self):
       return f'image id is {} & this image is for {},s product'
   def __unicode__(self):
       return f'image id is {} & this image is for {},s product'

class ImageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

class Meta:
    model = Image
    fields = '__all__'

class ProductImageViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
   authentication_classes = [TokenAuthentication]
   permission_classes = [IsAdminUser]
   queryset = Image.objects.all()
   serializer_class = ImageSerializer

enter image description here

this is my code, I can send post request when I wanna post Image but it's value is null.. I'll be thankfull if you answer my Question.


  • You send Image NOT image_file so change it in postman and will work fine.