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HiveMQ-Cloud get ssl fingerprint / cert for MQTT

I'm trying to use the hivemq-Cloud service ( Unfortunately I'm forced to use the ssl option and I can't figure out how I can download the public key / fingerprint.

Somebody familiar with the service?

I created a cluster and got something like this then I created a user and testet the connection with this service: It only works with the option 'ssl' enabled.

I thought I can catch the fingerprint via ssh-keyscan:

ssh-keyscan -p 8883 <somehash>
<somehash> Connection closed by remote host
<somehash> Connection closed by remote host
<somehash> Connection closed by remote host

And I got this message. How can I get the public key from a himemq-mqtt service?


  • Didn't worked for me with keyscan but with openssl. Here is the solution for my problem: Get certificate fingerprint of HTTPS server from command line?

    openssl s_client -connect <somehash> < /dev/null 2>/dev
    /null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin