There is a Product model with hasmany descriptions relationship.
descriptions relation has two columns, count, body.
How I must define the wire:model
value to show the selected product descriptions values in Livewire Update component?
I must mention getting data from relation works fine just can't show data in the input tag of wire:model
attribute! I think the problem is on the key definition of protected $rules
or wire:model
the Update Class:
public $product;
protected $listeners = ['selectedProduct'];
public function selectedProduct($id){
$this->product = Product::with('descriptions')->findOrFail($id);
protected $rules = [
"description.count" => "required",
"description.body" => "required",
the livewire view:
@foreach($product->descriptions as $description)
<input type="text" wire:model="description.count">
<texatarea wire:model="description.body"></texatarea>
the loop and number of filed is repeated correct but no data is shown!
There are a few things I'd like to mention, first is that your view should always only have one root HTML element - and subsequent elements that is generated in a loop should also have one unique root element inside, that has wire:key
on it. The wire:key
should be something unique on your page.
Then we need to have a look at the rules - its correct that any models needs a rule to be visible in input-elements, but you have a collection of elements, so the rules need to reflect that. To do that, you specify a wildcard as the key
protected $rules = [
"description.*.count" => "required",
"description.*.body" => "required",
The fields then has to be bound towards an index, so Livewire knows its in a collection.
@if ($product)
@foreach($product->descriptions as $index=>$description)
<div wire:key="product-description-{{ $description->id }}">
<input type="text" wire:model="descriptions.{{ $index }}.count">
<texatarea wire:model="descriptions.{{ $index }}.body"></texatarea>
Finally, you need to declare the descriptions as a public property on the class, and store them there.
public $product;
public $descriptions;
protected $listeners = ['selectedProduct'];
protected $rules = [
"description.*.count" => "required",
"description.*.body" => "required",
public function selectedProduct($id){
$this->product = Product::with('descriptions')->findOrFail($id);
$this->descriptions = $this->product->descriptions;