I have an app in docker with PHP 7.2 and I must rebuild it using TDD.
I have this method in Cart Class:
public function getItem($index)
if (!isset($this->items[$index])) {
throw new \Exception('Item with index('.$index.') not exists', '404');
$this->chosenItem = $index;
return $this;
And another in Test Class with test:
public function itThrowsExceptionWhileGettingNonExistentItem(int $index): void
$product = $this->buildTestProduct(1, 15000);
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->addProduct($product, 1);
And when I run phpunit I have this message in terminal:
There were 4 errors:
1) Recruitment\Tests\Cart\CartTest::itThrowsExceptionWhileGettingNonExistentItem with data set #0 (-9223372036854775807-1)
Exception: Item with index(-9223372036854775808) not exists
And I don't have a good result marked in the final phpunit.txt report
[ ] It throws exception while getting non existent item with data set #0
What am I doing wrong? The thread is thrown and displayed, but the PHPUnit test still failed?
Correct code for your test is:
public function itThrowsExceptionWhileGettingNonExistentItem(int $index): void
$product = $this->buildTestProduct(1, 15000);
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->addProduct($product, 1);
You must first define that exception will happen, and after that run the code which will throw this exception.