Trying to verify idToken of a user signed in via firebase authentication (Google signin) in nodejs server. Server throws Firebase ID token has invalid signature
Tried verifying with firebase-admin
as well as jsonwebtoken
with public key from the url:
. Both methods work perfect for users signed in with a password, but throws 'Invalid Signature' in case of a user signed in via google.
Is there anything I am doing wrong? Do I need to verify with google-auth-library
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
credential: admin.credential.cert(require("../../serviceAccount")), // file received from firebase project settings page
databaseURL: "as mentioned in the firebase project settings page",
// Some code here
var token = "token received from client side";
var decoded = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token);
ed everytime before calling the API.OP here,
I am dumb.
I was using the print()
function of flutter to log the token and call the API myself. Didn't know Flutter's print function has an output character limit. Login using password gives smaller tokens thus the whole token was logged. But Google sign in gives a longer token, longer than the output character limit of print.
Solution : Use log function from 'dart:developer'
import 'dart:developer';
log(await _auth.idToken);