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Custom columns in list view in Symfony admin generator

tl;dr: I need to show data from two different tables in the list view of the Symfony admin generator (preferably via a JOIN statement)

I'm using the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to manage the users of my app. Each user also has their own profile that they can fill out. The schema (schema.yml) for the profile table looks like this:

  connection: doctrine
  tableName: sf_guard_user_profile
    sf_guard_user_id: integer(8)
    client_id: string(128)
      local: sf_guard_user_id
      foreign: id
      foreignType: one
      onDelete: CASCADE

Right now table is a client_id and a foreign key to the id column on the sfGuardUser table. (Yes, I know I need an id column in there just for DB accessibility, and more is coming later)

I've created an admin for my profile table using the Symfony admin generator. I would like my list view on the admin to look like this (generator.yml):

    title:   Clients
    display: [client_id, sf_guard_user_id, username]
    table_method: retrieveProfileList

However, my username column does not work, and I receive a Doctrine_Record_UnkownPropertyException of:

Unknown record property / related component "username" on "sfGuardUserProfile"

I was hoping a custom table_method to populate the data for the list view would help me, but my table method (in lib/model/sfGuardUserProfileTable.class.php) does not seem to help. I followed an example in the Symfony Book, and this is the method:

public static function retrieveProfileList(Doctrine_Query $q)
  $rootAlias = $q->getRootAlias();

  $q->leftJoin($rootAlias . '.sfGuardUser id');

  return $q;

Any ideas on how to have the Symfony admin generator display a list view based on a join? Or, alternatively, how to pull from a separate model?


  • I have answered my own question!

    I changed the join method on my sfGuardUserProfileTable class to something I could better understand (thanks to this helpful link):

    public static function retrieveProfileList(Doctrine_Query $q)
      return $q->select('r.*, u.username')
              ->leftJoin('r.sfGuardUser u');

    And threw in a getUsername method in my sfGuardUserProfile model class

      public function getUsername()
          return $this->sfGuardUser->username;

    Thanks for being my rubber duck, SO!