Hi! I wanna center the Google reCaptcha V2 checkbox middle in my contact form... But I don't know how to do it. I also tried <div style=" margin:0 auto;"></div>
Can someone please help me with this? This is the code snippet
This is how it is now. I wanna bring it to the red mark
This is my website:- https://lasterleague.tk
My contact form:- https://lasterleague.tk/contact.html
margin: 0 auto;
will work fine if width of element is defined and not auto, and also you have to use this margin: 0 auto
property in right place. In your code you have to make some changes where you have written (I copied this from your contact form):
<div style=" width:304px; height : 78px">...</div>
change it to :
<div style="margin:0 auto; width:304px; height : 78px">...</div>