I want to run db migrations in Github Actions. The DB is behind a bastion.
My solution was to forward Postgres port 5432 to the db host through the bastion.
I tried below script but does not seem to work.
mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keyscan -H <bastion_ip> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
echo "${{secrets.BASTION_SSH_KEY}}" >> key
chmod 600 ./key
ssh -T -i ./key -L 5432:<db_host_url>:5432 user@<bastion_ip> &
make migrate
rm ./key
make migrate
runs migration against localhost:5432
When I run the pipeline I get following error
Error: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: connect ECONNREFUSED
Anyway to fix it? I am open to other ways of doing it.
Thanks @larsks, I got it working. There were a couple of things I had to change to get it working.
as suggested by @larsksssh-agent
to handle the keyBelow is the working code snippet:
mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keyscan -H <bastion_ip> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add - <<< "${{secrets.BASTION_SSH_KEY}}"
ssh -fN -v -L 5432:<db-host>:5432 user@<bastion_ip>
make migrate