I have QuestDB running with debug logging enabled and the log file grows very quickly, it adds few GB per day. How can I set it up so that it doesn't keep more than X GB or X days of logs?
I have considered doing a bash script to split the log file but I don't think it's a good idea to try deleting from the file while the DB is writing into it.
You can change logging configuration as described in
and used LogRollingFileWriter
# list of configured writers
# file writer
This will start rolling log file after every 100 Mb to a new file. You can then automate archiving or deleting unwanted log files.
Rolling can be by size (as above) or by time. To get rolling by day use
Day, Month, Year, Hour and Minute values are supported.
This all from here https://github.com/questdb/questdb/blob/master/core/src/main/java/io/questdb/log/LogRollingFileWriter.java, not documented properly