I have a Powershell task in a job in a Pipeline in Azure Devops Server 2020. Here's part of the powershell:
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $configPath)
Write-Output "Iterating over appSettings"
ForEach($add in $xml.configuration.appSettings.add)
#Write-Output "Processing AppSetting key $($add.key)"
$SecretVarKey = "MAPPED_"+$add.key
Write-Output $SecretVarKey
$matchingEnvVar = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($SecretVarKey)
Write-Output "Found matching environment variable for key: $($add.key)"
Write-Output "Replacing value $($add.value) with $matchingEnvVar"
$add.value = $matchingEnvVar
This works fine in the task -- my builds are doing what I want. But when I view the YAML I see comments like this:
#Your build pipeline references an undefined variable named ‘$add.key’. Create or edit the build pipeline for this YAML file, define the variable on the Variables tab. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865972
Again, this doesn't interfere with the execution of the script.
However, now I want to extract this Task into a Task Group. When I do so, the harmless misdetection is now a problem, because it insists these are new parameters:
Is there some magic I can do to change my Powershell script so they are not thought to be parameters?
Your build pipeline references an undefined variable named ‘$add.key’
This is triggered by the line below:
Write-Output "Found matching environment variable for key: $($add.key)"
The $($add.key)
is parsed by Azure DevOps as macro syntax. You could avoid this by using string formatting:
'Found matching environment variable for key: {0}' -f $add.key
Btw, in most cases you don't need to use Write-Output - it's slow and superfluous. See this blog post for details: Let’s Kill Write-Output.