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Open Policy Agent - check existence of elements in a list

Just started to deal with conftest and OPA, I'm trying to validate a sample kubernetes deployment manifest to make sure it contains a specific key in a list (i.e. image exists for all containers)

here's a sample input

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      - image:
        imagePullPolicy: Always

I thought this policy should check the existence of image for all containers:

deny[reason] {
    input.kind == "Deployment"
    some i
    not input.spec.template.spec.containers[i].image
    reason := "Container.image not found"

but conftest throws an error complaining not input.spec.template.spec.containers[i].image expression is unsafe

Any comments/suggestions on how to deal with this case is appreciated.


  • Ensure variables in negated expressions (not ...) are assigned in another non-negated expression in the rule. For example:

    deny[reason] {
        input.kind == "Deployment"
        container := input.spec.template.spec.containers[_]
        not container.image
        reason := "Container.image not found"

    In this version, the only variable in the negated expression is container. The container variable is assigned on the previous line, so the expression is safe.

    OPA complains about not input.spec.template.spec.containers[i].image because it will search for all variable assignments that make the expressions in the rule true. Since the variable i is not assigned anywhere else, there would be an infinite number of assignments to i that satisfy not input.spec.template.spec.containers[i].image... e.g., i = 100, i = -1, i = "foo", etc. Since we want to guarantee that policy execution terminates, OPA rejects the expression.

    More information and examples on safety here: