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"GSAP target not found" in react.js and animation happens on its own on hot reload

I'm trying to animate an element with gsap in react.js.

My code works only when react hot reloads and in console I have warning from gsap saying GSAP target not found

const FeaturedText = () => {
  const tl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: 0 });
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return <S.FeaturedText className="tl">Hi! Some Text</S.FeaturedText>;

const animation = (tl) => {
  tl.from(".tl", {
    opacity: 0,
    duration: 1,
    x: 100,
    ease: "elastic",
    delay: 2,


  • Firstly we need to get access to the element that we want to animate.

    In react we use useRef hook to get a component's reference and then use gsap to animate it.

    I'll explain how to animate a component in react properly.

      //initialize useRef
      let featuredText = useRef(null);
      //start animation only when dom components are mounted.
      useEffect(() => {
        const tl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: 0 });
        animation(tl, featuredText);
      }, []);
      const animation = (tl, el) => {
        tl.from(el, {
          opacity: 0,
          duration: 1,
          x: 100,
          ease: "elastic",
          delay: 2,
      //Component to be animated
      return (
        <S.FeaturedText ref={(el) => (featuredText = el)} className="tl">
          Hi! I'm Raghav