I'm using the Android Management API to test provisioning a tablet device and notice some noncompliance details related to 'kioskCustomization,' so I'm wondering if my API level (25) is too low for kioskCustomization features. I couldn't find anything online about the minimum API level.
I believe I recall reading another SO thread that mentioned the noncompliance details previously had a bug, but I can't find it, so I apologize and can't reference this - I could easily be wrong here. Regardless, my kiosk app isn't applying the kioskCustomization features. I'm not able to navigate away from the kiosk app - I can see the back and home buttons, but they don't do anything. I don't want this enabled in production, but would like the functionality for some testing.
It may also be that kioskCustomization is not working correctly whenever using 'installType: kiosk' setting, as opposed to 'kioskCustomLauncherEnabled: true', see Disable Android navigation in Kiosk Mode (Android Management API). I'm using 'installType: kiosk' w/ kioskCustomization.
Below is a snippet of the device properties when I call 'devices.list` and navigate to the device. Please let me know if there are other relevant details I should include.
"managementMode": "DEVICE_OWNER",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"appliedState": "ACTIVE",
"policyCompliant": true,
"nonComplianceDetails": [
"settingName": "kioskCustomization",
"nonComplianceReason": "API_LEVEL",
"fieldPath": "kioskCustomization.systemErrorWarnings"
"settingName": "kioskCustomization",
"nonComplianceReason": "API_LEVEL",
"fieldPath": "kioskCustomization.powerButtonActions"
"settingName": "kioskCustomization",
"nonComplianceReason": "API_LEVEL",
"fieldPath": "kioskCustomization.systemNavigation"
"settingName": "kioskCustomization",
"nonComplianceReason": "API_LEVEL",
"fieldPath": "kioskCustomization.statusBar"
"enrollmentTime": "2020-07-15T20:04:11.278Z",
"lastStatusReportTime": "2020-07-16T20:05:25.961Z",
"lastPolicySyncTime": "2020-07-17T15:33:24.251Z",
"appliedPolicyVersion": "6",
"apiLevel": 25,
"hardwareInfo": {
"brand": "Android",
"hardware": "rk30board",
"manufacturer": "rockchip",
"serialNumber": "PT8020011027",
"model": "PT80"
Thank you for the help!
This feature is only supported from API level 28 (Android 9) since KioskCustomization uses setLockTaskFeatures
that controls on and off of the following System UI features:
To learn more, you may visit this documentation here