I have a Problem with Shared Preference. How can I make a IF else operation with Shared Preference Bool Value? The Console show me: The following _CastError was thrown building Game(dirty, dependencies: [_LocalizationsScope-[GlobalKey#0453f], _InheritedTheme], state: _GameState#6a56a): Null check operator used on a null value
My Code:
void initState() {
void dispose() {
///Loading counter value on start (load)
_sprache() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
_deutsch = (prefs.getBool('deutsch') ?? true);
print(Text("Deutsch: $_deutsch"));
// ignore: missing_return
(context, animation1, animation2) {
if (_deutsch = true) return Game();
return GameEN();
It doesn't look like the line that causes that error is in the code snippet, but perhaps this will help:
In Dart (with null safety enabled), there are nullable and non-nullable variables:
String nonNullable = 'hello'; // OK
String nonNullable = null; // compile time error
String? nullable = 'hello'; // OK
String? nullable = null; // OK
nullable.length() // compile time error, `nullable` might be null
You can't do much with a nullable variable, because if it is null, calling a method on it is an error (the classic null dereference error).
Dart is usually pretty smart about automatically converting between nullable and non-nullable types where it is safe:
String? maybeNull = ... // some maybe null string
if (maybeNull != null) {
// compiler can prove that maybeNull is non-null here
print(maybeNull.length()); // this is allowed
However, sometimes as the programmer, you know that a variable is non-null, but the compiler cannot prove it. In these cases, you use !
to forcibly convert:
String? maybeNull = 'hello';
String notNull = maybeNull!; // OK
String? maybeNull = null;
String uhOh = maybeNull!; // runtime error: null-check operator used on null value
To fix your issue, go to the section of code that the error points to, and check for uses of this null check operator !
. It looks like it happened in a widget build
method, so check that the value it's used on really can never be null, or handle the case where it is null (perhaps the data hasn't loaded yet?).