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Get manually defined vectors from Curve3D (Path) in Godot

I have a scene containing a Path Node (the red dots with the blue lines)

I want to use the Path Node as a list of ordered checkpoints (easy to add with the editor), for a character, with some kind of obstacle avoidance.

I can get the list of all steps along the Curve3D, with $Path.get_curve().get_baked_points(), the distance between two steps being $Path.bake_interval. But that's not what I need for my purpose. I only want the red dots, not all increment, since some of them are inside the obstacles.

Is there any mean to get a list of the red dots from script ? Or some configuration on Path or Curve3D to force all the increments being the red dots ?

Otherwise, could you suggest an alternative way to add, as easily as that, a list of ordered checkpoints ?

enter image description here


  • You can get the number of points of the curve with get_point_count, and then get the position of each one with get_point_position. For example:

        for index in curve.get_point_count():

    Should print the positions you want.