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How to improve/speed up SQL query

I have a query that works, but takes an incredibly long time to run. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?

Essentially I want to grab all rows where the location is 106, the purchase_date >= today - 300, the assigned_worker includes Alex or Carol. This produces rows with the same cost_id. I only want one row for each cost_id and would like that row to be the one with the highest cost_num.

select distinct t.cost_id, t.column_a, t.column_b
from mytable t
where  t.location in (106) and t.purchase_date >= today - 300  and (t.assigned_worker like '%Alex%' or d.assigned_worker like '%Carol%' )
and t.cost_num in (select max(cost_num) from mytable where cost_id = t.cost_id
and location in (106));


  • It's hard to find the root cause of slowness without knowledge of indexes and explain plan (and - in my personal case - Informix). Few (caution - may be misleading!) ideas:

    • replace t.location in (106) by t.location = 106
    • create index on location or purchase_date or cost_id
    • avoid like '%...' if possible
    • avoid or - replace by union
    • replace subselect by window function if Informix supports it (extract rows with row_number() over (partition by location, cost_id order by cost_num desc) equals to 1)
    • alias table and column in subselect, at least for readability