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in perl, why does sprintf(Dumper \%hash) throw a warning when the hash contains a long string?

I have been using syntax like the following for months, without triggering a warning:

die join('', sprintf(Dumper [@stack]), sprintf(Dumper {%oprAtnNOW}), 'opt tojudge not specified');

That is, I have used sprintf with Dumper, without specifying a format.

In the following code, we see that this works fine, but only up to a point. When %oprAtnNOW contains a long string, a warning is triggered. (In all cases the string compiles as a regex; but before compilation, it is nothing but a string.)

What causes the warning with the long string? Why is there a "missing argument"? Granted, sprintf is supposed to be given a format, as in But why is this only enforced when a smaller string is replaced by a long string?

use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
print "Perl version: $^V\n";

my %oprAtnNOW; 
my $string='~~~~~1983-10-21 Fri 13:01:13, today we went to the movie.';

%oprAtnNOW = (
    Vv => {
        v=>[ '(?<a>a)',],


%oprAtnNOW = (
    Vv => {


sub tryit
    my $rgx=qr/$oprAtnNOW{Vv}->{v}->[0]/;
        print Dumper \%+;
    print "with format:\n";
    print sprintf('%s', Dumper \%oprAtnNOW); 
    print "WITHOUT format:\n";
    print sprintf(Dumper \%oprAtnNOW); 

The output:

Perl version: v5.18.4
$VAR1 = {
          'a' => 'a'
with format:
$VAR1 = {
          'Vv' => {
                    'v' => [
WITHOUT format:
$VAR1 = {
          'Vv' => {
                    'v' => [
$VAR1 = {
          'HH' => '13',
          'HHcMMcSS' => '13:01:13',
          'MM' => '01',
          'SS' => '13',
          'YYYY' => '1983',
          'boundjour2009' => '~~~~~1983-10-21 Fri 13:01:13',
          'dateISO1' => '1983-10-21',
          'dateISO1mbeWeekday' => '1983-10-21 Fri',
          'dateISO1mbeWeekdaymbeTIME' => '1983-10-21 Fri 13:01:13',
          'nMonth2' => '10',
          'nMonthDay2' => '21',
          'nTIMEdiverse' => '13:01:13',
          'tilde5' => '~~~~~',
          'wWeekdayAllor3' => 'Fri'
with format:
$VAR1 = {
          'Vv' => {
                    'v' => [
WITHOUT format:
Missing argument in sprintf at /Users/kpr/u/kh/bin/ line 38.
Invalid conversion in sprintf: "%:" at /Users/kpr/u/kh/bin/ line 38.
$VAR1 = {
          'Vv' => {
                    'v' => [


  • It's not because of the length, but because the long string contains a percent sign.


    As it's the only argument, it's interpreted as the format.

    You can demonstrate the same behaviour with much shorter strings, e.g.

    sprintf '%';

    If you don't need to format, just use print:

    print Dumper \%oprAtnNOW;