My application has a strange bug and I think it's to do with asnyc - where by if I navigate to a new page by clicking on an element my page data renders correctly.
However, if I refresh said page I get errors where my data is undefined - I think that's to do with react not having enough time to render the state change?
Is there a way to get around this - perhaps I'm trying to set my state incorrectly within a useEffect however, I want to update on "componentDidMount"?
Here is my useEffect code
useEffect(() => {
setCurrentData(getLibraryFromId(currentID, data));
<img src={`${currentData.backdrop_path}`} alt='' />
you are getting data from API right so before that you need to add check if object is blank or not if blank then render nothing or display placeholder image.
{currentData?.backdrop_path && (