I have written some python code that gets the Kth smallest element in an unsorted array. I'll like to get help to reverse the function to get the Kth largest element. I know that there are other questions on StackOverflow that answer this, but honestly, I'm not here because I want my question answered. I'm here because I want the pattern, how to think about problems like these, so that the next time I see a question like this I would be able to answer. So please explain clearly to me and help me to really understand what to do so that I can do similar problems in the future.
from typing import List
def partition(array: List[int], lowerbound: int, upperbound: int) -> int:
Partitions the array so that lower items are to the left of the pivot and bigger items are to the right.
pivot = array[upperbound]
index_1 = lowerbound - 1
for index_2 in range(lowerbound, upperbound): # we loop from lowerbound and stop just before the pivot.
if array[index_2] < pivot: # if the value at index 2 is less than the pivot.
index_1 += 1
array[index_1], array[index_2] = array[index_2], array[index_1] # swap index one and two
array[index_1 + 1], array[upperbound] = array[upperbound], array[index_1 + 1]
return index_1 + 1 # return the pivot(basically it's index)
def quick_select(array: List[int], lowerbound: int, upperbound: int, item_index: int) -> int:
Performs the quick select algorithm.
if lowerbound >= upperbound:
return array[lowerbound]
pivot_index = partition(array, lowerbound, upperbound)
if pivot_index == item_index:
return array[item_index]
if pivot_index > item_index:
return quick_select(array, lowerbound, pivot_index - 1, item_index)
return quick_select(array, pivot_index + 1, upperbound, item_index)
There are at least two ways:
The Kth largest is the (N+1-K)th smallest, and you don't even need to rewrite the algorithm.
In the given code, wherever there is an element comparison, flip its direction (turn > to <, >= to <= and so on). Caution: I mean element comparisons only.
Yet another option is to change the sign of all elements in the array, look for the smallest and restore the sign.
I would not recommend this method, unless the change of sign is done virtually, i.e. assumed in the statements that involve the elements. E.g. a > b is rewritten -a > -b, which is also a < b, and that brings us back to the second method.