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How to properly get the balance of different tokens in my MetaMask wallet?

How can I get the balance of tokens like Alpaca in my MetaMask wallet? Googling around I found a piece of code but it returns this error:

TypeError: contract.balanceOf is not a function

this is the code:

let minABI = [
  // balanceOf

let alpacaAddress = "0x8F0528cE5eF7B51152A59745bEfDD91D97091d2F";

let contract = new web3.eth.Contract(minABI, alpacaAddress);
contract.balanceOf(MyWallet, (error, balance) => {

Any Idea why contract.balanceOf is not a function?


  • Web3js uses the methods helper property. Plus you also need to use the .call() function to perform a read-only call.

    So in your case:



    It seems that your snippet calling balanceOf() is using syntax from Truffle (docs), which is a different library, so it's not going to work on a web3 Contract instance (new web3.eth.Contract()).