The app I am building has a tabhost with three tabs. The goal is to update the display in the new tab when the switch takes place. I have the following tab change listener set up in the main activity that built the tab host.
tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(new OnTabChangeListener(){
public void onTabChanged(String tabId) {
//Now what?
The question is, How do I take the tabId
given and use it to call a method in that tab?
To clarify a bit: when you create an Intent
for a new tab you specify an Activity Class, an object of which, presumably, is created to handle setup and management of that tab.
intent = new Intent().setClass(this, Setup.class);
spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("setup").setIndicator("",
What I am looking for with this question is how to get a reference to that object? In the example above, the Setup
class is instantiated to handle the “Setup Tab”.
To restate my question now: How do I, from the OnTabChangeListener
, call a method in the Setup
As it turns out the solution to the problem is closer to home. Rather than attaching code to the TabHost, the solution involves getting into the Life-Cycle of the activity by overriding the onPause and onResume methods.
public void onResume() {
// Update your UI here.