I cannot find a way to hide or delete the action menu out of the form.
I tried:
None of them work.
This is the code of the action button from the standard xml file.
<record id="action_product_template_price_list_report" model="ir.actions.server">
<field name="name">Generate Pricelist</field>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(4, ref('product.group_product_pricelist'))]"/>
<field name="model_id" ref="product.model_product_template"/>
<field name="binding_model_id" ref="product.model_product_template"/>
<field name="state">code</field>
<field name="code">
ctx = env.context
ctx.update({'default_pricelist': env['product.pricelist'].search([], limit=1).id})
action = {
'name': 'Pricelist Report',
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'generate_pricelist',
'context': ctx,
I don't know what some parts of this code do, but I found it and edited it to solve my issue. The action is hidden now.
from odoo import api, models, tools
class IrActionsInherit(models.Model):
_inherit = 'ir.actions.actions'
@tools.ormcache('frozenset(self.env.user.groups_id.ids)', 'model_name')
def get_bindings(self, model_name):
result = super(IrActionsInherit, self).get_bindings(model_name)
actions = result.get('action')
for action in actions:
if action.get('name') == 'Generate Pricelist':
result.update({'action': actions})
return result