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Android Emulator closed because of an internal error (vendor id 1002)

Got a problem with starting android emulator. I noticed it after updating some sdk, maybe intel emulator accelerator (HAXM) or android emulator. maybe the problem appeared before, but I noticed it only after that.

Drivers updated to the latest version, sdk too, tried reinstalling the studio and change the graphics parameters of the emulator - did not help.

Processor - intel i3-10100F Video card - ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series (miners decided so)

Also saw, some news about CSGO and Vulcan, and I sometimes play (respectively, upgrading to the latest versions), maybe it has something to do?

Thank a lot you in advance for your response) When trying to open the emulator this appears


  • In my case, the following helped me:

    In C:\Users<your_name>.android add file advancedFeatures.ini

    Vulkan = off
    GLDirectMen = on