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Scala 2.13 migration

I am migrating Play 2.8.8 project from Scala 2.12 to 2.13.

I have a really weird error in the Play routes file:

method right in class Either is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Either is now right-biased, use methods directly on Either

There is no .right calls in the routes file, in the generated Scala routes file or in the related controllers.

Route file:

POST          /roles/:id        controllers.Authentication.api.RolesResource.addRoleToAccount(id:models.users.AccountId)
DELETE        /roles/:id        controllers.Authentication.api.RolesResource.removeRoleFromAccount(id:models.users.AccountId)
GET           /roles/:id        controllers.Authentication.api.RolesResource.getRolesForAccount(id:models.users.AccountId)

Thanks for any guidance what might be the source of this error.


  • I think the reason is in play.core.routing.GeneratedRouter class.

    From my route file this method:

        (for {
    a1 <- pa1.value.right
     a2 <- pa2.value.right}
          yield (a1, a2))
          .fold(badRequest, { case (a1, a2) => generator(a1, a2) })

    It contains calls to deprecated .right function.