I have 2 components - Parent and Child. Please see stackblitz demo
Parent's template looks like below -
When 'Show Child' is clicked, isChild1Visible is set to true causing the Child component to display its template.
When you click 'Hide me' the Child component sets isVisible to false, causing it to be hidden. Now when 'Show Child' is clicked again, the child component is not shown.
I add ngOnChanges() in the Child component to see the change detection, however I see the below
When child component is initialized:
After 'Show me' is clicked for 1st time
After 'Hide me' is clicked, the ngOnChanges() does not print anything even when 'Show me' is clicked later on.
So, why does change detection stop working after input property is update in the child component?
The first time you set isChild1Visible
, with the one way binding it also sets the child isVisible
to true.
From the inside, you set isVisible
to false, so the div disappears as you have *ngIf="isVisible"
However, the outer isVisible
is still true
When you hit again the outer button, there's no changes to detect as the value remains the same, so nothing is passed to the child.
See this stackblitz demo with both booleans exposed.
If you want to control a component from the outside, you should keep the logic outside.
A possible way is to add an @Output
on your child that is an EventEmitter
that emits when you want to close the child.
The parent will listen to that event and do something, like setting isVisible
to false.
You can see it on this updated stackblitz.
Similar to solution Option 1, you can create an emitter called with the same name of your input, ending with Change
and trigger there your change.
In this case you only need to replace the binding with [(isVisible)]="isChild1Visible"
and add isVisibleChange
as @Output EventEmitter<any>
Demo on stackblitz.