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How to check syntax error in coffeescript

I am not familiar with coffee script, I try to move jquery from view to put in asset but not able to make it work.

Here the working from view:

- jquery_ready do
  $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
  $( "#voucher_voucher_provider_id" ).change(function() {
  var exist_id = $(this).val();
  var ids = $('#voucher_false_ids_')[0].value;
  if(jQuery.inArray(exist_id, ids.split(" ")) !== -1){
  $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
  $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').show();

Then in /app/assets/javascript/

jQuery ->
  $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
  $( "#voucher_voucher_provider_id" ).change ->
    exist_id = $(this).val();
    ids = $('#voucher_false_ids_')[0].value;
    If(jQuery.inArray(exist_id, ids.split(" ")) !== -1)
      $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
      $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').show();

So far, I able to run until .change -> alert('alert'); Not after I start put all line after If

which cause error:

ExecJS::RuntimeError at /admin
SyntaxError: [stdin]:6:51: unexpected =

Help: for proper syntax or what is the error coming from /Thanks


  • If you paste that snippet into the "Try CoffeScript" page of the CoffeeScript website, it tells you what's wrong.

    It says this:

    [stdin]:7:51: error: unexpected =
        If(jQuery.inArray(exist_id, ids.split(" ")) !== -1)

    CoffeeScript does not have === or !== operators. == and != are translated their strict equivalents when compiled for you.

    If you fix that, you get another error:

    [stdin]:8:1: error: unexpected indentation
          $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();

    This is because of the previous line. You start an if statement with If, so CoffeeScript does not see this as an if statement, but instead as a function call to the If() function.

    Change that to lowercase if and then it compiles just fine.

    Short version, here it is fixed:

    jQuery ->
      $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
      $( "#voucher_voucher_provider_id" ).change ->
        exist_id = $(this).val();
        ids = $('#voucher_false_ids_')[0].value;
        if(jQuery.inArray(exist_id, ids.split(" ")) != -1)
          $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').hide();
          $('label[for=voucher_name], input#voucher_name').show();