I am creating a Powershell script that will check to see if a key exists, if it does not exist, then the script will go and create the key. After the key is created, then the script will create a Dword under each key with the value of one.
I am able to elevate the PowerShell Prompt in the script, and I am able to get confirmation that the keys are created. However, when I go to create the DWord, I get an error saying that the keys I just created do not exist.
I re-wrote the entire Key Creation script, and at this point I cannot figure out why the key will not save. Any help is greatly appreciated.
My Janky Code:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gains Elevated Privileges for Powershell
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a function to get the current Privilages Level in Powershell
function Test-Admin {
$currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
# Checks to see if the terminal is elevated, if it is not it will elevate the session.
if ((Test-Admin) -eq $false) {
if ($elevated) {
# tried to elevate, did not work, aborting
} else {
Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList ('-noprofile -noexit -file "{0}" -elevated' -f ($myinvocation.MyCommand.Definition))
'running with full privileges'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates the Test1 and Test2 Keys if they do not exist.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Declaring Variables
$KeyItems =
$KeyLocation = "HKLM:/Software/Test/"
# For Each Loop that tests to see if the $Key exists, if it does it continues, if the key does not exist, it creates it.
foreach($KeyItem in $KeyItems){
# Key Variable created in loop.
$Key = $KeyLocation+$KeyItem
# Checks to see if the $Key exists, if it does not it creates the key.
if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Key))
New-Item -Path $KeyLocation -Name $KeyName -Force
Write-Host 'Created New Key: ' $Key
# If the key exists, the script will let us know that the key already exists.
Write-Host 'This Key Already Exists:' $Key
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates the ScanOnDemand key and sets the Value to 1 which will prompt an On Demand Scan for both the Vulnerability and Inventory Modules
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Declaring Variables
$DWordName = "TestDWord"
$Locations =
# For Each Loop that will create the DWord and assign it the vale of '1'.
foreach($Location in $Locations){
# Checks to see if the DWord exists
try {Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $Location -Name $DWordName}
# Creates the DWord with the value of 1.
catch {New-ItemProperty -Path $Location -Name $DWordName -Value "1" -Type "Dword"}
Hello and Welcome to "User Error: The Musical". I will be your Lead Idiot today.
I narrowed down the issue to existing in the block of code that creates the Key, not the block that updates the DWord. When I ran the code, I got the following error: New-Item : A key in this path already exists.
so I knew that the issue most likely was in the New-Item
I partially-correctly assumed that it was an issue with the variables that I used. I tried to change how the variables were implemented, and even tried every quotation mark combination around my variables in the New-Item
section, but I was getting no luck. In an act of desperation I deleted my variables, and hard coded in the location; and it worked.
While inspecting why hard coding worked and the variables did not, I noticed the error. I used $KeyName
as the variable in the New-Item
section instead of $KeyItem
which I had updated it to because of potential conflicts later.
My apologies for wasting your time with my mismatched variables, and thank you @AbrahamZinala and @mklement0 for your help, the code works now.
Below is the working code for reference:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gains Elevated Privileges for Powershell
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a function to get the current Privilages Level in Powershell
function Test-Admin {
$currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
# Checks to see if the terminal is elevated, if it is not it will elevate the session.
if ((Test-Admin) -eq $false) {
if ($elevated) {
# tried to elevate, did not work, aborting
} else {
Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList ('-noprofile -noexit -file "{0}" -elevated' -f ($myinvocation.MyCommand.Definition))
'running with full privileges'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates the Test1 and Test2 Keys if they do not exist.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Declaring Variables
$KeyItems =
$KeyLocation = "HKLM:\Software\Test\"
# For Each Loop that tests to see if the $Key exists, if it does it continues, if the key does not exist, it creates it.
foreach($KeyItem in $KeyItems){
# Key Variable created in loop.
$Key = $KeyLocation+$KeyItem
# If the key exists, the script will let alert.
if (Test-Path "$Key")
Write-Host 'Value Already Exists.'
# Checks to see if the $Key exists, if it does not it creates the key.
New-Item -Path $KeyLocation -Name $KeyItem
Write-Host 'Created New Key:' $Key
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates the TestDWord key and sets the Value to 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Declaring Variables
$DWordName = "TestDWord"
$Locations =
# For Each Loop that will create the DWord and assign it the vale of '1'.
foreach($Location in $Locations){
# Checks to see if the DWord exists
try {Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $Location -Name $DWordName}
# Creates the DWord with the value of 1.
catch {New-ItemProperty -Path $Location -Name $DWordName -Value "1" -Type "Dword" -ErrorAction Stop}