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Partial Function pattern match split into a class and a trait

Lift uses a PartialFunction on their implementation of Comet Actors, and you usually end up with this on your class:

override def lowPriority: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {
  case MyCaseClass1(a)        => do something here
  case MyCaseClass2(a)        => do something here
  case AlwaysPresentCaseClass => default action

What I'd like to do, and I'm not sure if it is even possible is to split that Partial Function so that the last case can be moved into a trait.

So when I have a new comet actor I simply do:

class MyNewComet extends MyActorTrait {
  override def lowPriority: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] = {
    case MyCaseClass1(a)        => do something here
    case MyCaseClass2(a)        => do something here

And Somehow the trait MyActorTrait will have the missing

case AlwaysPresentCaseClass => default action


  • Try this:

    trait MyActorTrait extends /* whatever class provides lowPriority */ {
       def default: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
               case AlwaysPresentCaseClass => default action
       abstract override def lowPriority: PartialFunction[Any,Unit] =
           super.lowPriority orElse default

    The only problem is that you can't do MyNewComet extends MyActorTrait. Instead, you can either have class MyNewCometDefault extends MyNewComet with MyActorTrait, or new MyNewComet with MyActorTrait.