I'm currently building a site and using the Shadowbox JS plugin to display images.
Because we serve up images via a JSP (rather than linking directly to image files), Shadowbox seems unable to dynamically determine their width and height and so just opens the images in an overlay of ~the screen size.
It's possible to manually pass in widths and heights to the shadowbox plugin using 'rel', so I've got around the problem for FF/Chrome/Safari using the following code:
$('#pic1img').attr("src")).load(function() {
picWidth = this.width;
picHeight = this.height;
function() {
var w = $("#pic1img").width();
var h = $("#pic1img").height();
if( picWidth < w ){ picWidth = w; }
if( picHeight < h ){ picHeight = h; }
$('#pic1').attr('rel', 'shadowbox[pics];height=' + picHeight + ';width=' + picWidth);
But I can't find any way to do the same in IE.
The code actually worked once I began loading the thumbnails at full size and then setting their width and height after load.
The issue was that I was setting a surrounding div to
display: none
until the images were loaded and IE can't work out the sizes of hidden images.
Resolved this by setting
visibility: hidden