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Flutter could not find the correct Provider above BlocConsumer Widget

I'm using Flutter Bloc for a project.

This is the structure:

          providers: [
              create: (context) {
                return BlocA()
              create: (context) {
                return BlocC()..add(FetchEvent());
          child: IndexedStack(
            index: _pageNum,
            children: [

Inside ChildB I have a Navigator.push() to a ChildC, where BlocC is being used (BlocConsumer), but I'm getting an error,

Flutter could not find the correct Provider above BlocConsumer<BlocC> Widget

Edit There is a button in ChildB that navigates to ChildC on pressed. Like,

TextButton( // this code exists inside a scaffold widget
   child: Text("Page C"),
   onPressed: () {
      Navigator.push(context, CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) => ChildC()));

This is the bloc consumer in ChildC

// Child C
      body: BlocConsumer<BlocC, CState>(
        builder: (context, state) {
          if(state is CSuccessState) {
            return _body();
          } else if (state is CLoadingState || state is CInitState) {
            return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
          } else return Center(child: Text("Something went wrong"));
        listener: (context, state) {},


Edit 2

I found this answer, apparently, this is an issue when using Navigator.push. Still, if anyone knows how to solve it in my case, do let me know


  • Provider is scoped. It means only the subtree of your provider (your child widgets) can access it. When you push a new page, it pushed it to the MaterialApp router (default root router of your app), and your widget tree looks like:

     |- Provider
     |   |- TextButton (with onPressed: () => Navigator.push())
     |- ChildC

    As you can see, your ChildC is not below the Provider(s).

    1. Move your providers above your material app

    A way to solve it is to move your providers above your MaterialApp:

     |- MaterialApp
     |   |- TextButton (with onPressed: () => Navigator.push())
     |   |- ChildC

    2. Use nested routers

    You can push your page to a nested router that is below your Provider:

     |- Provider
     |   |- Router
     |   |  |- TextButton (with onPressed: () => Navigator.push())
     |   |  |- ChildC

    3. Provide again your BlockC above ChildC :

    TextButton( // this code exists inside a scaffold widget
       child: Text("Page C"),
       onPressed: () {
          final blockCValue =<BlockC>();
            CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) => Provider<BlockC>.value(
              value: blockCValue,
              child: ChildC(),