Long story short, i have and array of JSX elements, that looks something like this:
I get the props for these "Cards" from two different tables in Strapi/Graphql API, so I do something like this:
array1.map((item,index)=> <Card key={index} prop1={item.prop1} ... />),
array2.map((item,index)=> <Card key={index} prop1={item.prop1} ... />)
The problem is that array1 and array2 contain some "items" that are identical, and need to be filtered out. Is there a way to do it, using JS:
[].concat(...).filter((magic)=> magic but filtered) //use the filter here
, or i should do it in GraphQL. (I have already used where clause in there to filter out only the items that I do not need)
query ProposalsAndRequests($input:String!){
proposals(where: {_or:[
You can do it using the "Set" datastructure in js. const set = new Set(arr);
. Sets cant have duplicates! :-) but they can have identical objects if the references are not the same.
For a more complex filter, use .reduce function to accumilate only uniques.
Or, you could remove the duplicates by bruteforce it with something like:
const noDubs = [];
myArr.foreach(item => {
if(!noDubs.some(entry = entry.special.property === item.special.property) noDubs.push(item);