I am very new to AEM 6.5, So basically I set up AEM in Ubuntu 20. I set up the requirement for AEM and its working fine, Next, when I thought of customizing the theme venia which I cloned from the GitHub link https://github.com/adobe/aem-cif-guides-venia
, as I have started as per GitHub steps first I ran
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage,cloud
after that, the BUILD was a success, but when referring to the console the following error is showing as attached, and list
com.adobe.cq.commerce.core.components.models.common,version=[1.8,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.adobe.cq.commerce.core.components.models.productteaser,version=[2.0,3) -- Cannot be resolved
com.adobe.cq.commerce.core.components.models.retriever,version=[1.11,2) -- Cannot be resolved
I could not find any solution for the error. Any Help will be appreciated !!
Do not install Venia on AEM 6.4 using the cloud
profile. You should install it using the classic
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage,classic
From the README:
* classic: this profile is for Abobe Managed Services (AMS) or on-premise deployments.
Also, I'm not sure that the latest Venia sample app is supported on AEM