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Change detection for child property in Angular

I have the following Product object inside an Angular application. The product contains array of orders and other product information.


export interface Product { 
    ProductID: number;
    ProductName: string;
    Orders: Order[]

I need to display product information and generate order summary inside a child angular component.


export class OrderSummary {

  _product: Product;
  @Input() set product(value: Product) {
    this._product = value;

  private generateOrderSummary(orders: Order[]) {
   // Logic to generate order summary



<b> ... show other product details </b>
<table> ... show generated order summary ... </table>

I believe every time the product object changes, it will generate the order summary (generateOrderSummary) even if the Orders array hasn't been changed. What is a better way to fix this issue?

I am thinking of adding another property for Orders[] so I can regenerate summary only when order has been changed. However, product already contains orders not sure if it is a good design.


export class OrderSummary {
  _product: Product;
  @Input() set product(value: Product) {
    this._product = value;

  @Input() set orders(value: Orders[]) {

  private generateOrderSummary(orders: Order[]) {
   // Logic to generate order summary

Are there any better solutions?


  • In this case you could skip the setter implementation of the @Input and use Angular OnChanges hook with SimpleChanges parameter. It allows you to check if it's the first invoke of the component and compare previous and current values of the @Input property.

    Try the following


    import { Component, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
    export class OrderSummary implements OnChanges {
      @Input() product: Product;
      ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        if (!!changes.product) {
          if (changes.product.firstChange) {                 // <-- first time the component is rendered
            this.generateOrderSummary(this.product.orders);  // <-- could also be `changes.product.currentValue.orders`
          } else if (                                        // <-- true only if different `orders` value
            !!changes.product.previousValue &&
            !!changes.product.previousValue.orders &&
            changes.product.previousValue.orders !== changes.product.currentValue.orders
          ) {
      private generateOrderSummary(orders: Order[]) {
        // Logic to generate order summary


    <b>{{ product?.ProductName }}</b>
    <b> ... show other product details </b>
    <table> ... show generated order summary ... </table>