Search code examples

How to display a 1-D barcode from string in Android?

I am using ZXing via intent to scan 1D bar-codes. ZXing sends me back the type of 1D barcode that was scanned (UPC-A, Code 39, etc...) and the string that is encoded in the barcode. I would like to take the type and string and generate and image of the 1D barcode and display it in an ImageView in an activity.

I am also open to displaying the barcode in a TextView using a font similar to "Free 3 of 9", but I cannot figure out how to do this.

I noticed that there is an activity in ZXing called EncodeActivity that can perform what I need, but only for QR codes.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • Using ZXing IntentIntegrator and IntentResult classes!

        String data = "123456789";
        Intent intent = new Intent("");  
        intent.putExtra("ENCODE_FORMAT", "CODE_128");  
        intent.putExtra("ENCODE_DATA", data);  

    It only works if you have the Barcode reader installed on your Android

    If you need help, ask me!