I have the below example code (inspired by the Demo Cookbook) that creates my bar charts for each column of data in my reactable
data <- tibble(
a = c(9.175783855, 11.81526856, 0.958313222, 5.616405204, 2.52481891,
1.781139798, 1.440104888, 2.40162111, 5.144542917,8.254753493,
6.651080016, 4.44758866, 2.714855098, 2.35523782, 2.20347958,
b = c(3.87414355, 10.75733095, 6.823421855, 10.11946139, 3.677263099,
4.287000085, 4.993322574, 2.691458126, 7.013314446, 4.900493424,
8.649965459, 1.482655707, 0.20604618, 0.32892486, 2.161339902,
bar_style <- function(width = 1, fill = "#e6e6e6", height = "75%", align = c("left", "right"), color = NULL) {
align <- match.arg(align)
if (align == "left") {
position <- paste0(width * 100, "%")
image <- sprintf("linear-gradient(90deg, %1$s %2$s, transparent %2$s)", fill, position)
} else {
position <- paste0(100 - width * 100, "%")
image <- sprintf("linear-gradient(90deg, transparent %1$s, %2$s %1$s)", position, fill)
backgroundImage = image,
backgroundSize = paste("100%", height),
backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat",
backgroundPosition = "center",
color = color
columns = list(
a = colDef(align = "right",
format = colFormat(digits = 1),
style = function(value) {
bar_style(width = value / max(data$a), align = "right")
b = colDef(align = "left",
format = colFormat(digits = 1),
style = function(value) {
bar_style(width = value / max(data$b), align = "left")
I'd like to know how I can fill each bar chart based on the color codes below. Essentially, I'd like to have a different fill for each row for columns a
and b
a_fill <- c("#97233f", "#241773", "#0b162a", "#fb4f14", "#002244",
"#002244", "#203731", "#000000", "#002244", "#008e97",
"#4f2683", "#203731", "#004953", "#000000", "#002244",
b_fill <- c("#002244", "#a5acaf", "#002244", "#e31837", "#d50a0a",
"#0b2265", "#9f8958", "#03202f", "#773141", "#002244",
"#000000", "#0085ca", "#a71930", "#00338d", "#002c5f",
Is anyone able to help me with this?
Thank you.
Here is one option where we create a function with two arguments, 'value', 'index' and the 'index' will be used for subsetting the corresponding color vector value for each 'bar'
columns = list(
a = colDef(align = "right",
format = colFormat(digits = 1),
style = function(value, index) {
color <- a_fill[index]
width = value / max(data$b)
bar_style(width = width, fill = color, align = "right")
b = colDef(align = "left",
format = colFormat(digits = 1),
style = function(value, index) {
width = value / max(data$b)
color <- b_fill[index]
bar_style(width = width, fill = color, align = "left")