I am building a Wikidata SPARQL to get information about films based on their IMDb ID. I want to filter the genre results using a regex filter, and I have it working for almost every instance, except when the film has no genres listed.
Here is my code (The included IMDb code 'tt8332922' is for 'A Quiet Place: Part II' which has no genres listed. If you swap it for another IMDb code of a movie that has a listed genre, the query will return results)
I tried wrapping it in an OPTIONAL
, but then the filter doesn't work at all. I also tried to nest the filter in the optional {}
's for the initial ?genre
definiton, but I couldn't get the syntax to work with grabbing the english language label.
SELECT ?filmLabel (group_concat(DISTINCT ?basedongroup;separator=", ") as ?basedon) (group_concat(DISTINCT ?genrefixed;separator=", ") as ?genres) (group_concat(DISTINCT ?countryLabel;separator=", ") as ?countries) (group_concat(DISTINCT ?narrativelocaleLabel;separator=", ") as ?Locales) (group_concat(DISTINCT ?setinperiodLabel;separator=", ") as ?Period) ?ratingLabel ?wppage ?metacritic ?aspectratioLabel ?wikidataid
?film wdt:P345 'tt8332922' .
OPTIONAL { ?wppage schema:about ?film .
FILTER(contains(str(?wppage),'//en.wikipedia')) .}
{bind (REPLACE(STR(?film),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") AS ?wikidataid)}
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P144 ?based.
?basedwp schema:about ?based .
FILTER(contains(str(?basedwp),'//en.wikipedia')) . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P136 ?genre. }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P495 ?country. }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P840 ?narrativelocale. }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P2061 ?aspectratio.}
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P1657 ?rating. }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P1712 ?metacritic.}
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P2408 ?setinperiod.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]".
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
?based rdfs:label ?basedLabel .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel .
?narrativelocale rdfs:label ?narrativelocaleLabel .
?setinperiod rdfs:label ?setinperiodLabel .
?based schema:description ?basedDescription .
filter(!regex(str(?genreLabel),'(based on|flashback)')) .
{bind (REPLACE(STR(?genreLabel),"film","") AS ?genrefixed)}
{bind (concat(?basedLabel, " - ", ?basedDescription, " || ('", str(?basedwp), "')") as ?basedongroup)}
GROUP BY ?filmLabel ?wppage ?ratingLabel ?metacritic ?aspectratioLabel ?wikidataid
Why don't you put all what concerns the genre in the same OPTIONAL
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?basedongroup;separator=", ") as ?basedon)
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?genrefixed;separator=", ") as ?genres)
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?countryLabel;separator=", ") as ?countries)
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?narrativelocaleLabel;separator=", ") as ?Locales)
(group_concat(DISTINCT ?setinperiodLabel;separator=", ") as ?Period)
?ratingLabel ?wppage ?metacritic ?aspectratioLabel ?wikidataid
?film wdt:P345 'tt8332922' .
?wppage schema:about ?film .
FILTER(contains(str(?wppage),'//en.wikipedia')) . }
BIND(REPLACE(STR(?film),"http://www.wikidata.org/entity/","") AS ?wikidataid)
?film wdt:P144 ?based.
?basedwp schema:about ?based .
FILTER(contains(str(?basedwp),'//en.wikipedia')) . }
?film wdt:P136 ?genre .
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel .
FILTER(!REGEX(str(?genreLabel),'(based on|flashback)') && lang(?genreLabel) = "en") .
BIND(REPLACE(STR(?genreLabel),"film","") AS ?genrefixed) }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P495 ?country . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P840 ?narrativelocale . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P2061 ?aspectratio . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P1657 ?rating . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P1712 ?metacritic . }
OPTIONAL { ?film wdt:P2408 ?setinperiod . }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]" . }
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
?based rdfs:label ?basedLabel .
?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel .
?narrativelocale rdfs:label ?narrativelocaleLabel .
?setinperiod rdfs:label ?setinperiodLabel .
?based schema:description ?basedDescription . }
BIND(CONCAT(?basedLabel, " - ", ?basedDescription, " || ('", str(?basedwp), "')") as ?basedongroup)
GROUP BY ?filmLabel ?wppage ?ratingLabel ?metacritic ?aspectratioLabel ?wikidataid
I also cleaned the code.