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std::to_chars() minimal floating point buffer size

Given a generic integer type IntType, it is easy to determine the necessary buffer type for a std::to_chars operation for base-10 numbers:

std::array<char, std::numeric_limits<IntType>::digits10 + 1 + std::is_signed<IntType>::value> buf;

Since std::to_chars doesn't NUL-terminate, and only adds the digits (and a possible preceding '-', if signed), this should work for all built-in integer types. The + 1 is needed because digits10 for integral types returns the floor of the base-10 logarithm, not the ceiling.

This leads to the question: what is the minimal buffer size for a floating point std::to_chars call given a generic FloatType to be converted without loss (writing all decimal digits), using each of the std::chars_format values?


  • Note that the minimal buffer required is different depending on the floating point format desired. Using max_digits10 and max_exponent10 is always enough to determine the minimum number of characters necessary for base-10 output, assuming one doesn't want to output more precision than the floating point type contains.

    This problem is not just limited to to_chars, either. The C standard library functions in the printf family will have the same behavior, so this applies with equal weight in C as it does in C++.

    • std::chars_format::scientific or %e (printf specifier):

      template<typename T>
      constexpr int log10ceil(T num) {
          return num < 10? 1: 1 + log10ceil(num / 10);
      std::array<char, 4 + 
                       std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::max_digits10 + 
                       std::max(2, log10ceil(std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::max_exponent10))
                > buf;

      The function log10ceil allows constexpr evaluation of how many digits are in the largest exponent possible. At least 2 digits must be present in the exponent per the standard, hence the test against a minimum exponent width. The precision used when writing must be no larger than max_digits10 - 1. Using this exact precision will provide lossless conversion to a string representation.

      The addition of 4 characters accommodates the possible sign, the decimal point, and the "e+" or "e-" in the output.

    • std::chars_format::fixed or %f (printf specifier):

      std::array<char, 2 + 
                       std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::max_exponent10 +
                > buf;

      Again, the precision used must be no larger than max_digits10 - 1. Using this exact precision will provide lossless conversion to a string representation.

      The addition of 2 characters accommodates the possible sign and the decimal point in the output.

    • std::chars_format::general or %g (printf specifier):

      For the general case, the minimal buffer is always the same as the scientific case. However, the precision used must be no larger than max_digits10 for lossless conversion to a string representation, rather than subtracting one as mentioned above.

    Note that in all these examples, the buffer is exactly the size of the largest string representation. If a NUL-terminator or other content is needed, the size must be increased accordingly.