I have two models, RetailLocation and Transaction, which share a one-to-many relationship respectively. I trying to annotate the total number of days (Count) a RetailLocation has any number of Transactions for. In doing so, I am filtering the Transaction.date field to just Date instead of Datetime, and trying to SELECT DISTINCT dates, but am running into an error "NotImplementedError: annotate() + distinct(fields) is not implemented."
class RetailLocation(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
class Transaction(models.Model):
date = models.DateTimeField(null=True)
r_loc = models.ForeignKey(RetailLocation, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
test = RetailLocation.objects.annotate(
I tried to reference this solution in combination with an earlier post solved by Willem, but using distinct seems to cause the NotImplementedError referenced above. I believe there also might be a solution using Count( , distinct=True), but it wouldn't help unless I could distinct on date__date, as I am only trying to find days that any number of Transactions occurred on.
Thank you very much for your time.
RetailLocation.objects.annotate(days_operating=Count('transaction__date__date', distinct=True))
Using the ForeignKey relationship between RetailLocation and Transaction, first you follow the ForeignKey to get the related set of Transaction objects ('transaction'), then select the 'date' column ('transaction_date'), and finally cast it as a Date ('transaction_date_date'). This returns a list of dictionaries {date_date: date objects}, and using Count( , distinct=True) counts the set of unique dates.
test = RetailLocation.objects.annotate(
.annotate(count=Count('date__date', distinct=True))
This works basically the same way as solution 1, but you don't need to have a ForeignKey relationship between the two models if you wanted to filter based on something else (date perhaps).