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SwiftUI Binding to parent view re-renders child view

I have a child view that is given a binding from the parent view, which controls the app's sidebar menu. When I click the button to toggle showSidebar and open the menu, my vm is re-created because the view is re-rendered? Is there a way to do this without affecting the view model?

struct OnboardingView: View {
    @Environment (\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
    @ObservedObject private var vm: OnboardingViewModel
    @State private var filtering = false
    @Binding var showSidebar: Bool

init(showSidebar: Binding<Bool>) {
    self._showSidebar = showSidebar
    self.vm = OnboardingViewModel()


  • Give this a try...

    Change this

    @ObservedObject private var vm: OnboardingViewModel


    @StateObject private var vm: OnboardingViewModel = OnboardingViewModel()

    and get rid of

    init(showSidebar: Binding<Bool>) {
        self._showSidebar = showSidebar
        self.vm = OnboardingViewModel()

    it’s unsafe to create an observed object inside a view without an @StateObject