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I got new function for API Controller and it's not working at this

I coded update status for category. I got a new function in an API Controller, so when I click submit it is not working.

This is solved when I move to category.update, but I can't because that function is used for something else.


Route::patch('category/{$category}', 'Admin\CategoryController@change')
Route::resource('category', 'Admin\CategoryController')

This is the new function for API Controller:

public function change($category, Request $request)
    $cate = Category::find($category);
    if ($cate->category_status == 0) {
        $cate->category_status = 1;
    } else {
        $cate->category_status = 0;

    return back()->with('success', 'Success!');


<form autocomplete="off" action="{{ route('category.change', [$cate->category_id]) }}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <button class="fa fa-eye" type="submit"></button>


  • First, in route, delete $

    Route::patch('category/{category}', 'Admin\CategoryController@change')

    Second - use route with named param

    route('category.change', ['category' => $cate->category_id])

    Third - in controller action Request must be first

    public function change(Request $request, $category){}