I'm writing a unit test with ngrx for effect, when I run the test with hot observable on the effect which has delay
on pipe chain, the receive
has an empty value.
const output = loginSuccess(loginResult);
actions$ = hot('^a', { a: action });
const expected = cold('30ms c', { c: output })
My function is:
login$ = createEffect(() =>
map((payload) => loginSuccess({
data: {
username: payload.credential.username,
age: 18,
name: 'name',
It works fine if I remove the delay
operator (and correct the time in the test case), what I did wrong?
Thank you!
You need to use the test scheduler. See the NgRx docs for an example - https://ngrx.io/guide/effects/testing#effects-with-parameters
scheduler: getTestScheduler(),