If i make a request like this in spatie analytics:
$analyticsData = Analytics::performQuery(
'metrics' => 'ga:sessions, ga:pageviews',
'dimensions' => 'ga:yearMonth'
what does "days(1) refer to ? is it from 00:00 to 23:59 or from 24 hour ago until now?
i tried reading the start and end time in the result but it is not provided.
As you can see from the code, the period begins at the start of the day.
public static function days(int $numberOfDays): static
$endDate = Carbon::today();
$startDate = Carbon::today()->subDays($numberOfDays)->startOfDay();
return new static($startDate, $endDate);
From the Carbon docs, today()
and startOfDay()
return midnight-aligned datetime values:
$today = Carbon::today();
echo $today; // 2021-07-01 00:00:00
$dt = Carbon::create(2012, 1, 31, 12, 0, 0);
echo $dt->startOfDay(); // 2012-01-31 00:00:00