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How to test code that performs an HTTP call (to obtain coverage) with okHttp

I have developed an application using Spring Boot and am now using JUnit for writing unit tests. I'm new to Junit, so I know very little of its potential. I use the handy OkHttp (okhttp3) library to make HTTP calls. This is an example of the method that makes a GET call:

HttpUrl.Builder httpBuilder = HttpUrl.parse(MY_URL).newBuilder();
httpBuilder.addQueryParameter("myQueryParameter", myQueryParameter);

Request request = new Request.Builder().url(
                              .addHeader("Cookie", "myCookie=myCookieContent")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

String data = response.body().string();

This code makes an HTTP GET call to the MY_URL URL and retrieves the string representing the JSON of the response. It's really simple code in my opinion, but I have no idea how to use JUnit and Mockito to get a code coverage that also analyzes these specific lines of code. What is the best way to do it?


  • you should consider to use the MockWebServer: to mock the response from MY_URL

    then You can create the junit test to check your flow: check sample