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Azure SignalR "Resource is in a failed state" - how to diagnose the problem?

User reported a failure of one of our Blazor Server apps an hour or so ago. When I investigated it seemed the Azure SignalR service was responding with "502 Bad Gateway" to the initial OPTIONS on the signalr hub negotiation (signalr is separate to the webapp that hosts the site)

In azure manpo, this shows for the SignalR service:

enter image description here

Restarting it does not succeed. Clicking "view activity logs" in the "the resource is ina failed state" banner simply brings a "Code: 'invalidRG'" message

enter image description here

The only significant event recently on this subscription was that it converted from a Free-Trial to Pay-as-you-go and there were some issues transitioning (upgrade done post subscription disable for lack of payment method, took some time to get it reactivated), but then everything seemed to work well for a day

There are many other services in the same resource group, apparently working fine - it's just SignalR. The "Azure status" page shows that all SignalR services are in "Good" condition.

Where does one go from here to diagnose and fix this? Is it a "pay for support from MS and ask them"?


  • Even though it wasn't a billing issue I wrote on the end of my billing support ticket that I'd raised to get a payment method problem sorted out during subscription upgrade. Support wrote back acknowledging a problem with the Azure SignalR service that was actively being worked on. They claimed that it was already resolved by the time they read my ticket update..

    ..I don't believe the staus dashboard ever showed AzSignalR as anything other than healthy so it might be that it makes sense to sign up for at least developer support level so there is a route for reporting these things. Either that or (depending on one's moral compass) raise them as billing requests (which are free) if one feels that service availability is a billing related thing (and I suppose it should be; they can't reasonably charge you for services they aren't providing, even if it is only a few cents)